Sunday, 13 February 2011

Half term escape....

As a general note to all, can you make sure that over the next couple of weeks when we are not in college that you put as much effort as you can to get your selection of units sorted along with your themes. And for at least one you have a clear statement of intent on your blog.

Of course I know you will all get a little time to start researching and developing your ideas and start to put together any photographs you have taken onto your blogs, etc...

And I will be sorting out this site to include more course information. The generic assignment paper for all the City and Guild courses will also be added along with any useful file downloads.

RSS Feeds

The website you are working on can receive RSS feeds, what this means is that all the latest blogs that appear on this site can be linked with a direct feed to your blog. All you have to do is to go to the design area of your website and add the FEED gadget to your blog site.
Add the web address for this site which is
Then the feed and lastest blogs etc that I produce will appear on your site. This will enable me to give 'Global Comments' and 'Feedback' to a larger group when the general message or information is the same.
Normal comments and feedback will be given individually as and when required to guide and help you achieve a higher grade.

How to write about photographs

What to include in each of your blogs is of vital importance, what I mean is that it must be relevant and add value to your learning.
All that you do is all based on the learning cycle for which there is a another blog on this site all about it. This is to help you to understand the process. A blog is all about a free written piece of work with no cut and paste work of the internet in it. It has to be about your thoughts and ideas based upon the inspiration based on the research that you do.
Your research of the work of other photographers is a vital part of this process. It is the value that you identify from this that you are able to add to your own work and photography. For example you must see what clearly shows in their work from a range of about 10 of their photographs. These photographs you grab from the internet and upload to your blog. Then looking at these images you may see any of the following showing through as predominant throughout their work;

Composition, Colour, Shapes, Patterns, Lines, Tonal Range, Frames, Rule of thirds, Texture, Form, Focal Point, Perspective, Scale,  Denotation, Connotation, (literal and implied meanings)

Once you have used these words to help identify what value you can add to your own work. For example if one photographer uses colour, or patterns , or perspective in their work you could try adding this value into your own work.

For example the work of Rut Blees Luxemburg and her night time photography;

This image shows the use of colour, shape, lines, patterns, and also the deeper meanings of the aspirational artwork images of an ideal home within that community.

Whereas this image is more about composition and frames within frames, colour, scale, perspective, but also is a social comment on how people live stacked one upon the other.

Where this image is about colour, scale, viewpoint and perspective. Also it a social comment on how that for someone this is where they work as a car park attendant.

Where this image is about perspective born out the unusual vantage point, also the focal point, the vanishing point is also a critical part of how this image is constructed. Also colour is playing a part again along with lines and scale (such as the size of the cars).

How to blog?

(Ok not quite Anne Frank but you get the idea).

When writing a blog you also need to explain what kit and equipment you used. It may be useful to put a blog together just about your complete camera kit. This often dictates what photography you are able to do.
To help with this add some images from the web of the kit you have got and add these onto the blog as well.

You need to tell a story in your blog, after all it is an online diary. If you have gone to a location or event for example write about what you did, what kit you chose to take and use?. Did you have the right lens, could you of done with a better wide angle lens?.
Were the light conditions poor and did you need to alter the ISO settings on your camera?. Did you have a great success or a bit of a failure, What would you do next time to improve or alter your approach or technique?

Writing in this way will help you to explain what you did in a logical way. The way that you think about what you did will help you identify what you need to do next time to improve.

News - Android App for Blogger

For those of you who want to work from your mobiles Android have launched a new App for Blogger to allow you to from your phone.

Following and a new RSS Feed

For all level 3 students can you add yourself as a follower please. Also can you set up another RSS Feed gadget to pick up the information blogs, etc from this site.

New- Due to demand!


Due to the success of the City and Guilds Level 2 tutor site I have set up this one for Level 3. This will take some time but should be in place over the next couple of weeks. In the meantime can you use info which is posted on the other site.