Assignment Paper

The assignment paper is generic and covers all the units, so you must also make sure that you read this as well to help you with this course and its framework.

BURTON COLLEGE: School of Art, Design and Performing Arts.
Programme Title:
Level: 1, 2 & 3
Assignment Title:
Start Date:              
Finish Date:            
Assessment Date:
Assignment Ref. No:
QSH 1-3
Unit / Module Title/s:
Unit Specific
Unit/Module Ref. No
Unit Specific
Success in this assignment will meet the following criteria:
Unit Specific / Grade Descriptors / Assessment Criteria
Via City & Guilds Qualification Handbook
Student Name:

Assignment Aims:

The structure of this course is ‘Open Framework’ in that it offers students a complete and varied choice of whatever ‘Units’ they choose to study.
The aim is to allow accredited learning to take place that is both open and flexible. Students can choose to study an Award, Certificate or Diploma, these are all outlined in the Qualification Structure, which you can obtain from the websites listed below.
All of this can be found on the City and Guilds website;

With the Open Framework Assignment students are free to interpret how you explore each genre of photography. Candidate requirements for each assignment are clearly indicated on each City and Guilds Units.
Assignment Brief:
There are several stages that you must follow;

  1. Visit the City & Guilds website and download a pdf copy of the units you require from the Qualification Handbooks.
  2. Select from the 7512 Handbook the units that you wish to study. And print out only the copies you require (advice and guidance given).
  3. You must refer to the qualification structure and which units make up the Award, Certificate or Diploma.
  4. Each unit will contain information on the following; level, credit value, unit aim, learning outcomes, assessment and grading criteria.
  5. Assessment criteria will be available at all times to allow tracking to take place. Full guidance for candidates is provided in the assessment pack and via the tutor.
  6. Criteria charts and assignment marking and grading information is also provided in the assessment pack.
  7. You must take ownership and responsibility of the units and the paperwork you need. Full support for this is given via the City & Guilds website.
  8. This monitoring is vital because a lot of students will be doing different units at the same time.

You are given guidance to set up your own blogger site, which will be the preferred method of working throughout the course. If you find this way of working not to your liking you may work in a sketchbook (examples available).

For all of the units you select you are expected to research the work of other photographers. In doing this you are required to record and evidence what you find in text, images, audio and videos which are relevant to the theme or genre of photography you choose. You will be given advice and guidance into photographers and artists to research.

You are expected to take ownership of your unit and all work is encouraged to be student led with tutor support. This means that you will have the freedom to research and discover photography that is particular to you and your theme with full support from your tutor at all times.

This research is all recorded in an online blog you need to visit This way of working will be fully explained and guidance will be provided throughout the course. Working online will allow you to supplement your work both at and away from college, and also allow me to support students more easily.

A tracking system is employed which will help you to see which criteria you have met and when. Also I can comment on your work as it is produced offering support and guidance in time for you to adapt and improve your work as you go along. All comments and advice is dated and evidenced as to when it was given and what exactly was advised.

All research for each photographer has to consist of your thoughts, ideas and critical analysis and must not consist of any ‘cut and paste’ information, as this cannot be marked as your own. What you must do with all research is to analyse what it is of value you can draw out and add of value to your own work. All research must be compared to the work you have produced.

The blog is a form of self evaluation which is ongoing and allows you to evidence everything that you see and do whilst at college. Evaluations should take place all the time in the form of reflective practice, which allows you to improve and to raise your level of achievement. Evidence is the key word in that this must be present as proof of meeting the criteria.
For your research you have the blog site, this should be used to its full potential with photographs, videos, audio and supporting text. A media rich website such as the Blogger can allow you to evidence what you discover through research in a variety of ways to suit the learner.

All students are encouraged to work online via the Blogger and so wont need to print out any documentation. However some may choose to work via a sketchbook. All students will need a memory stick to allow all data / work to be transferable.
Some units require the production of a portfolio and some do not so check your unit requirements very carefully. A recommended reading list will be provided to supplement learning which are available from the library or online.

Required for Assessment:
All students are required to research the work of a minimum of 5 photographers. From these you must collate at least 10 photographs and evidenced these in your blog . For each photographer you are required to write a minimum of 500 words– for level 3, 300 words – for level 2 and 150 words for level 1. All of this written work needs to be free written by yourself and not cut and paste (plagiarism).

Assessment Method: All assessment criteria and methodology is available in the assessment packs available to download via the websites listed above. Tutor advice and support available at all times.
All learning aims and expected outcomes will be clearly indicated and followed in the delivery program.
Please remember that for adult 19+ courses there are no ‘Key Skill’  requirements should you see that mentioned on the City & Guilds website.

Assessment and Grading: All assessment criteria and methodology is available in the assessment packs available to download via the websites listed above. Tutor advice and support available at all times. Criteria tracking will support all units taken and grade descriptors are available in the assessment packs. All blogs that you produce should have an associated criteria label attached to indicate or flag each blog that you produce.