Friday, 17 June 2011

Last chance saloon

Can everyone make sure that they have all their images with them in the next class, as I will be doing a final collection of all student work for the college wide exhibition.

Some images are for the showreel which will play on all the TV screens in the main reception, the others will be used in a printed and framed exhibition in room CS118.

All printing and framing will be done via the college, so all I need is your high quality PSD files so that I can start to print them. This is a last minute change to space allocation that has become available so I grabbed it for City and Guild students to use.

If not you may have a posse sent after you!!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

exhibition images

Can I remind everyone that I need all your images so far so I can select some for the exhibition please. Can you make sure that you have any originals with you along with any you have post produced in photoshop. As I don't want to leave gathering these images to the last minute, if you want to help can you make sure they are converted to jpegs to make my job a little easier as converting loads plus all my other courses work will take me a long time.